Evolving Diversity, Deb Cantrill & The Basket Cases
Image: Sam Oster
Enjoy these stories coming from the connections between Solastalgia, exhibiting artists and local communities.
It’ll take a long time - a new blog post by Tristan Louth Robins
Artist Tristan Louth-Robins has written a new essay as a companion piece for a small installation work, featuring as part of the Solastalgia - loss and return exhibition.
Mill Road Pocket Forest for the Lobethal Community
Following from the Solastalgia exhibition at Fabrik Arts and Heritage in Lobethal, we are thrilled to hear that artist Evette Sunset and the Lobethal Community Association at have received $3000 worth of funding from Open Gardens SA for their Mill Road Corner Community Pocket Forest Project.
International attention for Solastalgia artist Belinda Broughton
Following from the recent success of ‘Solastalgia: an antidote’ as part of Adelaide Fringe 2020 in Lobethal, we are pleased to note that German publication Monopol profiled artist Belinda Broughton and her work as part of the exhibition.
School Connections with Solastalgia at Fabrik
This story was written for the children of Lobethal Primary, inspired by the work of all 12 contributing artists: Belinda Broughton, Jesse Budel, Liz Butler, Deb Cantrill, Louise Feneley, Gaynor Hartvigsen, Melissa Hellwig, Heidi Kenyon, Aaron Poole, Evette Sunset, Laura Wills and Jo Wilmot.