Sam Mulcahy

Works featured in Solastalgia: in the time of Covid 2020

Bok Choices

brass bullets, copper, iron 2020

With a news report my quaint veggie patch became a more serious pursuit, plants that would have been ripped out months ago are now nurtured to seed to be collected for an unsettled future.

Sam Mulcahy

Image: Sam Mulcahy

Image: Sam Mulcahy

Works featured in Solastalgia: South Coast Regional Art Centre, Goolwa 2018

Tetnesteii Riomortis

rio rod, guttering, brass, zincalume 2018 

“The Genome of plants dubbed Tetnesteii which thrived roughly half way through the Earth’s timeline, evolved from discarded materials of a long extinct race of beings that chocked the Earth for a short disruptive period. They seem not to need to photosynthesise to thrive, nor do they require nutrients from rotting plant matter, but gained sustenance from the seemingly infinite waste these humans produced.”

Image: Jo Wilmot

Image: Jo Wilmot

Tetnesteii bunch

rio rod, guttering, bullet heads 2018

“My ‘Tetnesteii’ series is an echo of lost nature, a nature that is being paved over and over. In the wake are piles of twisted metal and brimming skip bins that are packed with history, old and new; fresh offcuts of shiny zincalume, and rusty guttering, generations old. Using this waste and offcuts of the construction industry I am rebuilding the natural form. Reconstructing and reconnecting with nature I give life back to the discarded.”

Sam Mulcahy

Image: Jo Wilmot

Image: Jo Wilmot

For more information on Sam’s work, visit: