Leonie Westbrook

Works featured in Solastalgia:

Gray Street Workshop, Adelaide 2017

Momento I

repurposed plastic from hotel toiletries 2017

“I found that even after processing, these single use hotel toiletries retain the smell of their contents, connecting the senses to the memory of another time and place.”

Image: Jo Wilmot

Image: Jo Wilmot

Leonie Westbrook

South Coast Regional Art Centre, Goolwa 2018

Beyond Repair

Broken Ceramic plates and teacup 2017 

“I want to reconnect, to regain a sense of ownership for the things we discard. Broken object 'beach treasure' becomes desirable once processed by the elements, and is often instilled with memory. I see hope in the idea of initiating a desire for rubbish through innate human sensory reaction. Ironically faux beach treasure can be readily purchased, desirable despite its disassociation from the natural processes.”

Leonie Westbook

Image: Jo Wilmot

Image: Jo Wilmot

For more information on Leonie’s work, visit: https://www.instagram.com/lonejeweller/