Deb Cantrill
Works featured in Solastalgia: An Antidote at Fabrik Arts and Heritage, Lobethal, 2020
Fallen Leaves Returning to Earth
17 leaves using plum, giant spike rush, banana balls, mulberry, chasmanthe, fejioa, iris, watsonia, aristea, day lily, apple, red hot poker, chestnut, arum lily, hazelnut, orange, waxed cotton and linen thread 2018 -2020
Image: Jo Wilmot
Evolving Diversity
Deb Cantrill & members of Adelaide Hills and Southern Vales Basket Cases
Thirty six ribbed melon baskets made from a range of materials collected from the weavers’ natural environment. 2019
“Baskets are never empty. They are full of dreams and wishes, love and inspiration; but most of all they hold joy, satisfaction and pride.
12 Adelaide Hills and Southern Fleurieu Basket Cases celebrate seasonal abundance and sensory connection to the surrounding natural world. From collecting the materials to the finished basket, nature supplies inspiration with a wide range of colours, textures, aromas, and function. The shapes evolve over time as the weaver twists and twines their way to the finished form. In this way baskets can be seen as a metaphor for an evolving community composed of the warp and weft of diverse skills, emotions and connections with the surroundings.”
Deb Cantrill

For more information on Deb’s work, visit: https://weavingmagicnaturally.blogspot.com/