Annabelle Collett
Works featured in Solastalgia: South Coast Regional Art Centre, Goolwa, 2018
Another Green World Dress, Home on the Range, Green with Envy Green, Green Grass of Home
vintage fabric, trimmings, buttons, paint, coreflute, timber, metal 2018
“My work in fabric explores the abstract coverings of both the body and the environment we live in, conveying them as resonators of social history, gender attitude and personal commentary. This work is about displacement, change and distress. I ask, what part of society feels the loss, when the love of a place is eroded by change, when the destruction causes so much pain?
It used to be all green and lush, now it feels dry and covered with dust.
It once felt cosy and comfortable, now it can be hard and uneasy.
What was familiar and trusted, is now damaged and foreign.
We felt protected and safe, only to feel exposed and open.
We would dream of our home on the plains, but all that’s changed.”
Annabelle Collett
Image: Jo Wilmot
Read about this legendary artist in Annabelle Collett: Creator and Catalyst
Publication released in 2020 by Wakefield Press.